Group Themed Costume Ideas from Goodwill

Group costumes—either everyone unintentionally arrives as the Avengers in their box-store sanctioned leotard or they rock the party with cleverly conceived character costumes coordinating into an awesome group themed costume choice. Here are some of our ideas on characters for a grand group costume theme all while keeping that budget low. Pirates, Parrots, and Mermaids…

DIY I Heart Travel Garland

I have a very cheap and easy DIY for you this sunny winter’s day. It is partially inspired by my cabin fever/I-so-want-to-travel-to-somewhere-warmer-than-here fever (I know I’m not alone here!)…and from the large Atlas I picked up at the Goodwill Outlet for practically nothing a year or so ago. I’ve used it for random projects here and…

DIY Toothless Costume

Happy nearly Halloween!!! Oh? You just found out someone in your house needs a costume by Friday and they just let you know now? Well, before you slap a sheet with two eye holes cut out over them and call it a ghost… check out how quick and easy this How to Train Your Dragon—Toothless costume is! You still…

DIY Frozen Costumes: Sven

What do you get when you combine a talking snowman with an ice queen and a reindeer with attitude? A perfect trio of Frozen characters, that’s what! Our fabulous triplet models were kind enough to let us dress them in some DIY Frozen costume creations. Judging by their willingness to jump into character, we’d say…

Bow Ties DIY

Ever since my husband and I adopted Doug the Dog, I’ve wanted to learn how to make him bow ties so our fluff ball can always look classy and professional. (Yes, he’s very spoiled!) One day, on a quick trip into Goodwill, I saw a simple kids shirt for only $1.00 and thought it would…

Father’s Day Necktie DIY by Alix

It’s time to bring back the handmade gift this Father’s Day. I don’t know about you, but it’s been a little while since I’ve put some sweat into a gift for Dad. (Okay, maybe there isn’t so much sweat needed for this one-it’s actually super simple!) In less than 15 minutes you’ll have a special…

Vintage Silk Scarves go Infinity

You know those scarves you run across at Goodwill or a garage sale… the 1950s, colorful, silk, square-ish scarves? I love them. I love how they flow, their vibrant colors, some of their crazy prints, but I just can’t find a way to wear them without feeling like I’ve stepped off the set for Bye…

DIY – Turn an old book into a cover for your eReader

This DIY is brought to you by a central Indiana Goodwill shopper and DIY-er, Roberta Gardner. She is a local writer for her company blog as well as a volunteer for Mephiobosheth Ministries. Much thanks to her for this great tutorial! One of my favorite Christmas presents last year was a Kindle Fire HD, a…

Big Game Darn-it Doll DIY

So this Sunday is a Football Game. . . and apparently it’s kind of a big deal. It will involve groups of people getting together, gathering around a TV and shouting, cheering, shaking their fists, jumping, and whatever else they need to do in order to work their frustrations (or excitement) out. In an effort…

Llama Contrast Sleeves DIY

Something about the weather these past few days has really set my mind on thick, thick sweaters. . . Thinking of such things reminded me I had two arms of a sweater from a previous project, that needed to find a home. Now, there are plenty of DIY ideas on how to use arms of…

Sweater to Pillow DIY Gift Idea

Here’s a cozy homemade gift idea, by our student ambassador, Victoria. It’s another sweater-to-pillow transformation, but where the other has Llamas this one adds a little floral flair. All it took me was one successful short-cutting project to dub myself the Queen of DIY and decide I need to craft everything in sight. This is…

From Muumuu to sweet skirt

You know those Goodwill finds that make you ponder? You look look at them and think to your self, “I THINK I see potential here.” You want to see something lovely out of it, and before you have a solid vision, you’ve scooped it up and purchased it. . . That was my reaction to…