Group Themed Costume Ideas from Goodwill

Group costumes—either everyone unintentionally arrives as the Avengers in their box-store sanctioned leotard or they rock the party with cleverly conceived character costumes coordinating into an awesome group themed costume choice. Here are some of our ideas on characters for a grand group costume theme all while keeping that budget low. Pirates, Parrots, and Mermaids…

DIY Gumball Machine-style Candy Dish

Introducing Bria! Bria is our 2015 Summer Marketing intern and has kindly jumped in to the world of crafting and DIY blogging. Let her know how you liked her post! I recently diagnosed myself as a chocolate addict. Although not fatal, my diagnosis required a decent amount of chocolate-y-goodness within walking distance. I’ve seen the…

Easy Harry Potter Crafts

One of our Goodwill HR employees recently gave her young son’s room an adorable Harry Potter-themed makeover and stuck with a challenge of finding most of the elements at Goodwill or using what she had. Whether you’re looking to decorate a room with Harry Potter-inspired decor or if you’ve got a themed birthday party to…

DIY Toothless Costume

Happy nearly Halloween!!! Oh? You just found out someone in your house needs a costume by Friday and they just let you know now? Well, before you slap a sheet with two eye holes cut out over them and call it a ghost… check out how quick and easy this How to Train Your Dragon—Toothless costume is! You still…

DIY Hair Bow—Bow ties can’t have all the fun

After making Doug’s new bow tie, I noticed I still had lots of fabric left in the shirt I got from Goodwill. My first thought was “a bow!” While there are no cute little girls at my house, I have plenty of friends with adorable little girls who would enjoy a fun handmade gift. As a reminder,…

DIY Natural Jewelry Display

This week we combine a love of nature with the love of thrift. I seem to wear more jewelry in the summer—more opportunities for bangles and long necklaces. I also am constantly trying to find an attractive and functional way to display them. I’ve got the earring holders, but haven’t quite sorted out the necklaces and…

Mother’s Day DIY – Creative Diorama

One of my favorite things about young kids are their imaginative stories and the reasonings they have for anything and everything. For instance, my friend’s three-year-old explained his knowledge of a song by saying “I learned this song in my world when I was two.” When asked what world that was, he stated confidently, “Alice in…

Mother’s Day DIY – For the new mom

I’ve noticed something about my friends who are becoming new moms. . .they take a million photos of their newborn, yet astonishingly, there are very few photos they can show me without whipping out their phone or pointing me to Facebook. On the contrary, for any of them, should you ask their mom to see…

Mother’s Day DIY – Wall Art

Mother’s Day is next Sunday, have you figured out what you want to do for your mom to show your appreciation for her? Not everyone is great at whipping up DIY projects for mom, despite what Pinterest would have you believe, so here’s a very simple, packs a punch, sweet gift for mom that you…

DIY Easter Bunny Tray

It may have dropped a little snow earlier this week. . .but that still doesn’t change that it is, in fact, spring. Whether or not the weather wishes to cooperate, it’s the season of Easter eggs, bunnies, little chicks, and pastel colors. It’s also the season we have candy treats and goodies for friends and…

20 Minute Fancy Sweatshirt DIY

You know those seasons that refuse to end ::cough, winter, cough:: where you know you need to put a little effort into what you’re wearing, but thanks to the unending low temperatures and the snow that just keeps coming back, all you want to do is cozy up in sweats? We’re there. We’re ALL there. Thankfully,…

Treat Stand DIY by Lauren

A few months ago, I turned our office/guest room into what I call my “Craft Castle.” The desk and extra bed are still in there, but the rest of the space has been taken over by crafty goodness. And with an accumulation of things has come the want for cute ways to display it all….