DIY Toothless Costume

Happy nearly Halloween!!! Oh? You just found out someone in your house needs a costume by Friday and they just let you know now? Well, before you slap a sheet with two eye holes cut out over them and call it a ghost… check out how quick and easy this How to Train Your Dragon—Toothless costume is! You still may be able to hold the title for world’s best last-minute-costume creator yet!

supplies for DIY Toothless


  • Black hoodie sweatshirt
  • Black sweatpants or leggings
  • Black t-shirt or towel or some other excess black fabric you can cut up.
  • Black and white felt (you can find sheets of this at the craft store) or scrap white and black fabric
  • Two wire hangers
  • Scissors
  • Wire cutters
  • Liquid Stitch and/or heat bond
  • Needle and thread

Step one: Toothless eyes

Cut your white felt in the almond shape for Toothless eyes. Cut two black ovals for his pupils. Cut two small white circles for the reflection in his eyes. Liquid stitch the eye bits together.

Toothless eyes


Now grab the Liquid stitch and your hoodie. Position the eyes on the hoodie front and then Liquid stitch them securely on.

Glue the eyes on

Step two: Horns and Ears

I had excess fabric from my sweatpants, so I just cut about 6″ worth of fabric from the bottom of each leg and drew my horn and “ear” shapes on with chalk. I then cut out the front and back for each horn and ear. (I think the longer ones are his ears and the shorter are his horns).

Toothless horns and ears


You can hand stitch, sew, or heat bond them—whatever you’re more comfortable with. Once their front side and back side are connected, turn them right-side out and stuff with more of your extra fabric or felt. Use what you’ve got. They should be able to stand straight up at this point. Position them on the hoodie above the eyes and hand stitch them on. Doesn’t take but a minute.


If you need positioning inspiration… here’s Toothless:


Okay, now that the head is done, you’ve got one more “must do” in order to make it a valid costume… Wings. You could choose the tail, but I’m trying to save you a bit of time here… So, wings! You’ll want to head over to the blog “I’m Feeling Crafty” for her absolutely WONDERFUL dragon wing tutorial. It’s what we used for our wings and I have no alterations for how she did it. It’s excellent. She even gives a pattern for the wings.

Alright, wings done, head done, stick it all together and put on the black pants for your very own last-minute Toothless costume!

quick DIY Toothless costume

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  1. Looks great! Hope yall had a fun Halloween!

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